Why you should use Satodime

Satodime is a unique product, this is why you need it!
If you’ve been keeping an eye on Satochip’s medium🔗, you’ll certainly have noticed that we’ve updated our articles on one of our flagship products: Satodime 🔗. Likewise, if you follow us on Youtube🔗, you’ll notice that this month is mainly devoted to Satodime: our bearer crypto card. Why is that? Because there’s no alternative on the market today, and Satodime is a unique product. So, while our previous articles were mainly tutorials aimed at explaining how to use Satodime, today we’re going to focus on why you need it.
Why did we create Satodime?
Let’s take a quick look at what a « bearer crypto card » is. It’s true that you might not find this buzzword on your favorite social networks. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a very important topic.
As Satoshi Nakamoto himself pointed out in the Bitcoin WhitePaper 🔗:
« What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party. »
Satodime 🔗is a product that aims to democratize the use of crypto-assets while remaining true to Bitcoin’s original philosophy. It’s a cold wallet that lets you store cryptos and transmit them, all in a simple, secure and autonomous way.
Naturally, the applications 🔗we’ve developed in conjunction with Satodime are completely open-source, which means that anyone can check the code and make sure they’re working properly.
Aim: democratize the use of cryptos
If you’re a somewhat savvy user, you may be thinking that you can make crypto transfers yourself from your address using any other existing solution (Metamask, Rabby, directly from your hardware wallet) to credit the recipient’s address.
Even if you’re right, this assumes that the recipient also already has a crypto address and is comfortable with how to manage this type of asset.
However, the echo chambers of social networks tend to make us forget that the crypto ecosystem is still in its infancy. And that mass adoption is still a long way off.
That’s why we’ve developed a hardware solution that makes storing and transferring cryptos as simple as possible.
No seedphrase, no PIN needed. This is why we created Satodime.
How does it work?
With Satodime 🔗 you have a secure smart card on which you can create up to three different “vaults” to store multiple cryptos.
On the same card, for example, you can deposit Bitcoin and ERC-20 (Ethereum) tokens on two separate vaults.
This way, should you need to make a payment in crypto, you can use different assets to reach the transaction amount.
Once you’ve done that, all you have to do is prove to the seller that you haven’t revealed the private key to the corresponding safes, and hand over the card to validate the transaction.You’ll find a complete tutorial with all the steps and technical explanations in this article 🔗.
As we attach particular importance to ease of use, Satodime is compatible with the NFC protocol. This makes it easy to check card status and balance on your mobile phone.
You want to make a crypto purchase but:
- The seller has not yet technically implemented the acceptance of crypto payments ;
- The seller is curious but is not totally confortable with crypto assets which are not tangible enough.
In both cases, Satodime 🔗is your ally. You can simply transfer cryptos by transferring ownership 🔗of the card to the seller to complete the transaction.
You can also use Satodime to demonstrate that the card balance corresponds to the amount of the transaction, and reassure the seller by handing over genuine physical media.
You are a company and would like to reward your employees with an exceptional bonus that you will pay them in crypto but:
- Some (and this is normal) don’t want to give you their address
- Not all your employees have a valid crypto address
Under these conditions, you can use Satodime on which you’ll store the bonus amounts and literally distribute bitcoins to the lucky ones. The icing on the cake is that using Satodime means you’ll be able to deliver the bonus in physical form, which is always a pleasure.
In this way, you can reward your employees simply and securely, while giving tangible form to your gesture, even if it contains digital assets.
The tip jar or piggy bank: still with the idea of transmission in mind, why not get your family and friends involved in the crypto adventure by giving them a Satodime card as a gift (Christmas, birthday, etc.) – there’s no shortage of opportunities!
As you can see, Satodime 🔗can be used for a variety of purposes, all of which meet a specific need. Why not use it as a crypto piggy bank?
Once you’ve set up the safe on your card, there’s nothing to stop you from regularly depositing funds into it to save or, quite simply, to gradually put money aside with a view to making a future purchase.
It can also be a good way of introducing your loved ones to their first crypto transactions.
And let’s not forget that, in a world where cash is tending to disappear, as is the confidentiality of transactions, the use of a bearer crypto card could well become a new means of exchanging value without having to suffer the tyranny of the banking system.
In terms of security, the use of a Satodime card offers a number of advantages. It’s easy for the seller to check that the card is genuine and that the private keys have never been revealed.
It’s also an excellent way of restoring confidence, since it’s simply impossible for a Satodime card whose private keys have not been revealed to be compromised.
For the seller, it’s the assurance of receiving the transaction amount on a secure medium.