Satodime explained

Why and how to use your bearer crypto card?
Satodime is a bearer chip card that allows you to exchange crypto assets like any banknote. You can imagine a Satodime as a bank vault; you can deposit some valuable things within the vault and only the key holder can open it.
Satodime works like that with the only exception that the key to open the vault is not held by the holder of the card. It’s held by the card itself thanks to the secure chip. With a Satodime card, you can physically transfer #Bitcoin, #Litecoin, #BitcoinCash, #Ethereum or any other #ERC20 tokens (including #NFTs) from one user to another (hand-to-hand), while still remaining secure, without the need to trust a third party.
Advantages compare to other solutions
Satodime is an evolved bearer instrument compared to its competitors:
– multi-vault while the others allow you to store only one cryptocurrency at a time;
– multi-crypto while the other allow you to store only Bitcoin;
– mobile compatibility thanks to the NFC;
– reusable, you don’t have to break the device to recover the private key;
– sustainable, you can use your Satodime card indefinitely;
And all these ultimate features are available at a fraction of the price of the competition.
Buy goods
You want to buy the new Tesla using Bitcoin. You grab your Satodime, seal a new Bitcoin vault, write down the BTC address and load 1 BTC to it. Then, you go to the car dealer and begin negotiations. The dealer is asking for 1.25 BTC for this beautiful Ludicrous P100D. You accept the deal and send 0.25 more BTC to your Satodime vault using your favorite Bitcoin client. You grab your mobile phone, scan the Satodime using NFC and show the sealed vault to the car dealer. He can verify that the Bitcoin vault is sealed and full of 1.25 BTC. You shake hands and give him the card. You grab the car and leave the showroom peacefully and silently.
Exchange NFTs
You are an NFT (Non Fungible Token) artist and are ready to launch your new collection on OpenSea. You would like to promote your collection of Bored Punk Farmer in a new and fashion way. You grab your Satodime, seal a new Ethereum NFT (ERC-721) vault, write down the ETH address and load 1 NFT to it. You can now airdrop your Satodime through your social medias. Winners who will receive the card, physically, will be able to verify the NFT vault and optionaly unsealed it to recover the Etherem wallet’s private key.
Cold storage for crypto-currencies
You want to “orange pill” your friends and let them discover Bitcoin and crypto-currencies, you can gift them a Satodime. You grab your Satodime, seal a new Bitcoin vault, write down the BTC address and load 0.0001 BTC to it. Gift the card to your friend and tell him/her, he/she can verify the balance of the wallet using his/her mobile phone. Awsome!
No PIN code required, no seedphrase 🔗, no complexity. Just a chip card, loaded with some Bitcoin sats that you can pass along, multiple times, trustless.
Manage your assets from your mobile or desktop
You can use your Satodime card from your computer🔗, but also with your mobile phone thanks to NFC technology🔗. Simply tap your card on your phone’s reader and interact directly with it. You can then easily create new vaults to safely store your favorite cryptocurrencies.
Seal – Unseal – Reset
Seal: you can manage up to 3 different vault on your Satodime card. Simply tap the card on your phone, launch the app and seal your first crypto vault.
Unseal: unseal a vault to retrieve the private key. Sweep the private key to your preferred software wallet to recover the funds.
Reset: you can reuse it over and over again. Reset your vault and seal a new one. For an infinite crypto-currency cold storage experience.
Safely pass it along multiple times thanks the secure chip, unseal anytime with ease. Trustless, easy to verify and completly secure.
Long story short, it’s basically a disposable hardware wallet 🔗that can be used like cash. Use it accordingly.